Expansion of OSU-Cascades

Expansion of OSU-Cascades

Governor Kate Brown’s budget for 2018 was released recently and she’s recommending the Legislature approve $39 million for OSU-Cascades. This is unexpected and game-changing. In September 2016, Oregon State University celebrated the grand opening of OSU-Cascades and...
Continuing Reinvestment in Oregon Higher Education

Continuing Reinvestment in Oregon Higher Education

In the wake of the 2007 recession, the Oregon State Legislature began divesting from higher education. But the 2015 legislative session went a long way toward reversing this trend and restoring higher education funding to pre-recession levels. During the 2017 session...
Expanding and Modernizing OSU’s Campus

Expanding and Modernizing OSU’s Campus

Continued Expansion of OSU Cascades In September 2016, Oregon State University celebrated the grand opening of OSU Cascades and its first academic building, Tykeson Hall. This grand opening was born out of a 30-year community effort to bring a university to Central...
Investing in Research and OSU Statewides

Investing in Research and OSU Statewides

Developing a University Research Fighting Fund Fulfillment of funding for research infrastructure and developing a university “fighting fund” will enable Oregon’s public research universities to more effectively compete for federal grants. Each year, the Federal...
Sustainable Investing for the Future of OSU

Sustainable Investing for the Future of OSU

When the Oregon State Legislature passed the bill that gave Oregon’s public universities the ability to govern themselves through independent boards of directors, it included a provision that enabled universities to invest their funds in stocks. The intention was to...