What We Do
Now4 OSU-Cascades is a coalition of community members, businesses and organizations working to expand the OSU-Cascades campus. Now4 OSU-Cascades advocates for increasing state support that can expand access to affordable higher education and fuel Central Oregon’s economy.
OSU-Cascades continues to grow to meet the needs of Central Oregon. Following a long and close collaboration over several legislative sessions, Now4 OSU-Cascades has become part of the Beaver Caucus, a group of passionate alumni and supporters working to make OSU a priority for state leaders. This partnership amplifies the advocacy work of Central Oregon volunteers and makes OSU-Cascades an even more visible priority when OSU advocates meet with legislators.

Help Secure Support for a Health and Recreation Center for Student Success
Join Now4 OSU-Cascades in the effort to secure $42 million for the next step in OSU-Cascades’ development, a health and recreation center that will help students thrive inside and outside of the classroom. OSU-Cascades is seeking funding from the Oregon State Legislature in the 2025 session for a 40,000 gsf building and associated land remediation and infrastructure, with dedicated and private spaces for:
• Clinical health services and staff, such as a nurse, physician assistant and other clinicians
• Mental health counseling
• Physical recreation spaces to support a variety of activities
• Two multi-purpose recreation fields, with storage
The only public university in Oregon without a health and recreation center, OSU-Cascades is seeking to provide students from all backgrounds – including those with physical disability or chronic illness – equitable access to optimal health and wellness.
Studies point to the impact of physical and mental health on student success rates and degree completion. Optimum health and wellness are essential for student retention, timely academic progress and successful degree completion.

Our History
Bend and Central Oregon maintain one of the state’s most vibrant economies, yet the region lags behind the rest of Oregon in terms of post-secondary degree earnings.
OSU-Cascades opened its doors in September of 2016 with the goal of advancing educational opportunities in Central Oregon. Now4 OSU-Cascades was created to foster the growth of the OSU-Cascades campus.
Founded by former educator Janie Evey Teater and business leader Amy Tykeson, Now4 OSU-Cascades has always relied on a strong, community-led coalition designed to support students, faculty and the larger Bend community. The Beaver Caucus and Now4 OSU-Cascades have built a strong partnership and have delivered significant results for Central Oregon, and will continue to do so into the future.
Our Work
In 2017, OSU-Cascades students voted to increase student fees to help fund the new Student Success Center. In 2021, the Oregon legislature approved $13.8M to support the construction.
This funding would not have been possible without the advocacy efforts of OSU-Cascades students as well as the network of OSU-Cascades supporters. Now4 OSU-Cascades was critical in rallying support for the center. By mobilizing Central Oregonians, the local economy as well as the success of future students benefited.
By generating college graduates, research, innovation and community engagement, OSU-Cascades has a profound impact on the economy of Central Oregon. Campus operations and construction—and the economic ripple they create—will bring more than $273 million to Oregon by 2034.

Ongoing Efforts
OSU-Cascades is growing to serve Central Oregon and the state. The opportunities to advocate for the campus are growing, too. Join us in the effort to secure funding for a Student Health and Recreation Center and to make a campus innovation district a reality. Now4 OSU-Cascades and the Beaver Caucus are committed to advocating for these programs and opportunities. This work would not be possible without your support.