Beaver Caucus Legislative Update: March 6

Beaver Caucus Legislative Update: March 6

March 6 Legislative Update by Jon Eames Late yesterday afternoon, the Speaker of the House, Tina Kotek, announced from the floor that the House will effectively end their work this legislative session.  Speaker Kotek, in an impassioned and emotional speech, announced...
Beaver Caucus Legislative Update: March 6

Beaver Caucus Legislative Update: March 3

March 3 Legislative Update by Jon Eames The Ways and Means Capital Construction Subcommittee just met to discuss the final budget bills, including those associated with funds for University capital expenditures. Both the Arts and Education Complex and the Student...
Beaver Caucus Legislative Update: Week 2, 2020

Beaver Caucus Legislative Update: Week 2, 2020

Katie Fast, OSU Government Relations Week 2 – February 14, 2020 University Day at the Capitol was held on Thursday, with over 150 students, staff, and alumni from all over the state supporting shared public university priorities. This included legislation on student...
Investment in Oregon Higher Education

Investment in Oregon Higher Education

During the 2019 Oregon legislative session, the Beaver Caucus will work hard to continue and increase state investments in higher education. Together with Oregon’s other public universities, we will support a strong future for all students, staff, faculty and our...